Wednesday, January 27, 2010

‘SKYWATCH’ The First Official Newsletter for Skycourts update

‘SKYWATCH’ The Official Newsletter for Skycourts update has been published.

Highlight (an excerpt from the newsletter)
“The Skycourts project is undergoing rapid progress. The handover will be based on completion of individual towers and we expect the handover for all six towers to be completed by the third quarter of 2010”



kamal said...

Hi Skycourters,

Please the below email from Pramod.

From: Pramod Mohan
Dear All,

It's been long time since I have been thinking of writting to all of you & submitting the letter we drafted to be submitted to AMLAK / DUBAI BANK etc.

I have been having a very troubled time at office and was very near to loosing my job too. With the option of moving out into sales instead of the back office operations i was handling, i will be kicking around for another 3 months in the same organisation trying to get some contracts for process & project management consultancy & training to take us through this difficult times. Any help in this direction will also be appreciated.

The attached letters are for AMLAK / DUBAI BANK and need to be signed by any of the SKYCOURT owners who have not yet signed the signature sheet with us or have not yet send us the signed letter. Please sign the relevant letter based on your financier. These will then be submitted to AMLAK / DUBAI BANK in the comming week - no more delays - sorry for the delays.

Biny Varghese has volunteered to set up an appointment with the DUBAI BANK for the comming week & he will inform all of us so that whoever can come along will all meet at DUBAI BANK and submit the letters along with all the signatures.

Similarly Wajid Afridi / Farah Anwar can help us set up an appointment with AMLAK for the comming week & as soon as we have the information, whoever can come along can all meet up at AMLAK office and submit the letters along with all the signatures.

We are looking for a combined effort to make this happen within the next week and any volunteering to coordinate and make this happen will make it easy for all of us.

Please register yourrselves to our yahoo group - so that we can have the common forum & none of you will miss out on any of the developments.

Thanks & Best Regards,


Pramod Mohan
Business Development Manager (for all your Project Management needs)
Ring : 00971507450046 (M), 0097142582578 (R)

Anonymous said...

Dear All,

In January I was passing by the Skycourts construction site and I've met the Project Manager (forgot his name, he is the only one representative of National Bonds with the office on the site).

The meeting was informal but I've mentioned to him that I need a reduction in the price of the flat, moreover that my type of flat has a big chunk of column in a corner of the living room, column which didn't show in the original floor plan.

This is to me a big change as it occupies the full corner of the living room... anyhow he said that National Bonds will reject any such claims, in their opinion this is an impovement to the flat, it improves the structural something...

I've told him also that we need a reduction, not only based on the change of the floor plan but also because all the prices dropped dramatically, inclusinve the cost of the materials. He said that doesn't matter for National Bonds because they have signed the contracts with the contractors before the cost of the materials dropped, and as they have to fullfil their contractual obligasions so do the final owners.

Of course, this was informal and most probably he was not the right person to decide about this, but as the only one representative of National Bonds at the site, he surely has insights on this matter. In my opinion getting some reduction from National Bonds will be difficult but of course it is worth trying.

Even the first step is difficult: to find the right person to whom to have a meeting. As you've come to know, the banks don't want to get involved in this because they don't care, they have us at their hands by the contracts and the cheques which we've signed.

Deyaar also doesn't care, they wash their hands saying that they are just the marketing arm for this project, not responsible for decision of this kind.

And National Properties doesn't exist anymore as developer. If you call National Bonds, they direct you to Deyaar, but Deyaar doesn't handle this things... It's going round in circles.

It will be excellent if one of us would know a contact person in National Bonds to whom we can address with these matters.

On another note, I was passing again by the construction site 2 weeks ago and I didn't see much progress from the outside, the buildings were missing aprox the same amount of windows as 2 month before, in January. Do you really think that they will be handed over by September, which is in 5 months from now? Somehow I doubt that they will reach that level necessary for hand over... If anyone has news about this, please post them.

Thank you and kind regards,

050-568 5754

PS When will you receive a reply from Dubai Bank?

Unknown said...

I consider myself a victim of this colabrative adventure of both National Bonds and Dubai Bank. Off course nether of them have any intrest in completing the property on time. By the way, I have just come across this blog hence not aware of the outcome of your effort of gathering Dubai Bank victims for a resolution. My personal experience was completely waste of time, the bank supervisor lacks professional knowlege and authrity and one only feels sorry for her as she is just as un informed as any one of us.

Did any one raise the following caluse of the mortgage witht the bank:
" in the event of bank being incapable of delivering the property to the customer on or before agreed delivery date, the bank shall be liable to repay the deposit and all advance rental already paid by the customer upon the customer's notice in writting for it to do so, provided however, the custoemr was not the casue of the non delivery through breach of th econstruction agency agreement ....."

You would get the most ridiclous answer if you do so nevertheless you must.